Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Canadian Eh!

G'day, I'm Shawn.

As the post title suggests I'm Canadian and I moved to New Zealand about four years ago. While at a Science fair I attended a lecture on video game development in NZ. When the lecture was over I approched one of the speakers; Tyrone McAuley, Technical Director from Sidhe Interactive; and asked him what would be the best way to get into the industry, he told me to go to Media Design School. So I did, and now twenty four or so weeks later and I am able to build some really cool things.

I am part of a class of ten students and we have recently started on our final group project...a game that will beat down Halo 2! ...well maybe not that great, but close :)

The first couple of weeks of pre-production were slightly hectic while trying to work out an idea for the game and then the writing of the Game Desing Document and the Technical Design Document, but now things have been sailing along quite nicely.


Shawn Shiers
Asset Manager/Programmer

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