Friday, November 14, 2008

Development Platform


Just thought I'd outline the platform we're developing on.

IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
Language: C++
APIs: DirectX 9.0c, XACT
Platform: Microsoft Windows

We're coding the entire project ourselves in C++, including the rendering engine, player input, cameras, lighting, and collision system among other things.

We're quite proud of the fact that we can do this, and I can say that this is a direct result of the material that we have covered in the IGAPR08 course. It's a very practical, industry-oriented and well-rounded program that I'm glad to have been part of. (No, I'm not getting paid for saying that!). I highly recommend anyone who is seriously considering getting into the game industry and doesn't know where to start to consider this as an option for getting a taste of what it is really like to in the games industry. Just a taste mind you!

It's not all fun and games! (Well, it is, actually...but also hard work!) However, in addition to getting a thorough grounding in coding good C++, we've also learned industry best practises, research methods, essay writing, lots of math, public presentation skills, and how to work in a team.

On a final note, I've never been a big fan of advanced math because I didn't see many of the practical applications of it, or I'd only use it if I really couldnt do something any other way, but since doing this course, it turns out math is really cool for making awesome things happen on the computer screen. I love like math now I see the practical uses for it with respect to games!


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